Bringing our planet to life

via a groundbreaking AR experience

Rewild Our Planet was a multi-sensory exhibition that used cutting-edge, immersive ARCore technologies to build an interactive experience that sort to build compassion for our fragile world.

Using AR, users were taken on a journey into four realistic 3D biomes; emphasizing the beauty of the natural world, and the role humans play in reversing the loss of nature.

The project was a complex collaborative project between WWF, Phoria, Google, and the Art Science Museum in Singapore.

Featuring footage from Netflix’s Our Planet series, we worked carefully to craft an experience that would complement both the series and the wider digital campaign, whilst also working as a standalone exhibition and attraction.

World experts in Augmented and Virtual reality, Phoria, brought their outstanding experience to the table, working alongside the other partners to craft an exhibition which packed a punch both technologically and emotionally.

Coordinating and launching the product was no mean feat. but through a combination of expert involvement and strong project management, the experience was able to launch as part of a private Earth Hour event ahead of schedule.

Global tour

The interactive exhibition was launched in Singapore alongside the Netflix series but was designed in such a way that it could be easily packed away and sustainably transported between locations.

As such, following a successful run in Singapore, it was also opened in venues in the UK and USA.

Let’s be friends

Check out some of my other work…


The Living Planet Report


The Speech campaign