The Montreal Projection

Working collaboratively with on-the-ground teams in Canada, the Montreal Projection was designed to be a physical stunt with a strong potential for shareability and virality online.

Taking place at the Palais de Justice, beside the busy Boulevard Ville-Marie (Route 136), the projection featured impactful visuals, hard-hitting stats, and a direct call to action to make this engagement-focused PR-stunt as sharable as possible.

The stunt

The scale of the issues facing our planet was reflected in the size of the 15-story tall projection which took place over 3 days at the beginning of the Convention of Biological Diversity (COP15) in December 2022.

Created with WWF’s long-time production partner, Rooftop, the projection stunt brought to life the pressing need for immediate action through attention-grabbing visuals and shocking stats.

The goal was to generate media and social cut-through at the event, by creating content that would dominate key search terms and hashtags.

Ultimately, the Montreal Projection stunt achieved its goal as WWF performed 2nd only to the official @UNBioviersity account for share of voice in both online reach and mentions throughout the course of the COP15 event, boosted by a large spike around the launch of the projection stunt.

The key results

people reached through social interactions alone


shares of The Guardian article on Twitter


the length of time the stunt day for

3 days

pick up

by outlets incl. The Guardian & AFP

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The Living Planet Report